هل استعادت السعودية جزرها المحتله من الكيان الصهيوني؟!

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.


عضو بلاتيني

جزيرتي تيران وصنافير جزر تابعه للملكة العربية السعودية و تم احتلالها من قوات الكيان الصهيوني ابان حرب 1967 ويقال ان السعودية اعارتها لمصر في ايام جمال عبدالناصر وهناك تعتيم اعلامي كبير على هاتين الجزيرتين ومصيرهم هل هم حاليا تحت سيطرة الامم المتحده وتعتبر جزر دوليه ام ما زالت اسرائيل بالباطن مسيطره عليهم او تم ارجاعها تحت سيادة المملكة العربية السعودية ؟ !

وشنو سبب التعتيم الاعلامي على هذا الموضوع والي ما نقراه الا عن طريق الدوريات السياسيه العلميه وبعض التقارير السياسيه التاريخيه او ارشيف السجلات

وهل فعلا رضخت السعودية لطلب اسرائيل عن طريق امريكا بعدم تأهيل الجزر بالسكان او عدم استخدامها او تطويرها ؟

والمعروف عن الجزيرتين لهم موقع جغرافي واستراتيجي هام ومنها :-

1- وقوعها عند مدخل خليج العقبة يجعل هذا الخليج شبه مغلق جغرافيا .

2- يبلغ عرض المجرى الصالح للملاحة ميل واحد وهو اقرب لساحل سيناء .

3- موقعها الإستراتيجي يجعلها تتحكم بالملاحة الدولية في خليج العقبة .

*المعلومات عن الموقع مقتبسه من موقع اخر

بلاضافه على ذلك خلال تصفحي للارشيف الوطني وادارة السجلات الامريكية
تم ذكر ان اسرائيل طلبت من الولايات المتحده تعهد خطي ملزم التي تبقي جزيرة تيران غير مأهولة بالسكان حتى تنسحب اسرائيل من الجزيرة وتسلمها للامم المتحده
وهذا لنك التفاصيل المذكوره

وهذي الفقره الي تكلموا فيها عن طلب اسرائيل لامريكا الزام السعوديه بعدم استغلال جزيره

In a conversation with Battle on February 5, Ambassador Harman stated that Foreign Minister Eban was prepared to take up the issue of Tiran Island with the Israeli Cabinet but first needed a U.S. response to a number of “clarifications.” Harman asked if the United States could obtain Saudi Arabian acknowledgment that the Straits of Tiran was an international waterway. Israel also asked whether the United States could obtain from Saudi Arabia a “binding written undertaking” that Tiran Island would remain permanently uninhabited. Israel also asked whether the United States would underwrite any such Saudi undertakings by making them a matter of U.S. “responsibility and commitment” as regards Israel. Harman indicated that he was instructed to stress the need for “absolute precision” in these assurances. (Telegram 111432 to Tel Aviv, February 7; National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 32-6 TIRAN) Ambassador Eilts in Jidda assessed the Israeli response to Secretary Rusk's letter as “very disappointing,” and noted that Israel was proposing conditions that King Faisal could not accept. Eilts felt that the Israeli conditions raised the question of whether Israel had any intention of leaving Tiran unless forced out. (Telegram 2776 from Jidda, February 10; ibid.)

وايضا تقرير تم نشره في Memo Middle East monitor البريطانيه
بعنوان اسرائيل لا تزال تحتل جزر المملكة العربية السعودية
وهذا رابط التقرير

والي يبي معلومات اضافيه عن الجزيرتين يقدر يطلع على اللنك التالي شامل المصادر

جزيرة تيران او ثيران

جزيرة صنافير

اتمنى الي عنده معلومه مفيده او عنده فكره عن جزر تيران و صنافير ان يوضحلها لنا وياخذ راحته


عضو بلاتيني
هذا التقرير المذكور في Memo Middleast Monitor البريطانيه

بعنوان اسرائيل ما زالت تحت الجزر العربية السعودية

Israel is still occupying Saudi Arabian islands


It is a fairly well kept secret that Israel has been occupying parts of Saudi Arabia since 1967. Tiran and Sanafir are two islands with a combined area of 113 square kilometres, so they are small, and are in a very strategic location at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, through which sea traffic to Israel's southern port of Eilat must pass en route to and from the Red Sea. Israel maintains an early warning post on the islands.

Although the Saudi Arabian government might claim that the islands are small, unimportant coral reef islands, their position is such that whoever controls them controls the Gulf of Aqaba. They are as important as the Hanish archipelago at the other end of the Red Sea over which a conflict raged in 1995. International arbitration determined that Hanish belongs to Yemen. The Israeli occupation of Tiran and Sanafir determines that, if nothing else, the Israelis control the islands and don't really care who they belong to. Saudi Arabia has fought for similar islands but seems to be reluctant to challenge the Israeli occupation. Is it because the islands have no material value?

The islands were occupied by Israel after the late King Faisal had given control of them to Egypt to prevent Israeli ships being able to get to Eilat during the Six-Day War. After the ceasefire, Saudi Arabia and Egypt each claimed that the islands belonged to the other, leaving them free for the Israeli occupation to begin. When Egypt made peace with Israel in 1978, President Anwar Sadat refused to include them in the peace agreement, arguing that they belong to Saudi Arabia. A computer search reveals that even Google labels them as "Saudi Arabia" and maps of the country in governmental offices show clearly that they are Saudi territory, so why the reluctance to challenge Israel, and why is there a media blackout?

It's quite simple: Israel needs an outlet to the Red Sea for its shipping. The only Israeli presence on the islands is military to ensure that the shipping lanes are kept clear for its imports and exports, including military hardware to fight against Arab states. By international agreement, a multinational UN force is also stationed on the islands which "monitors the compliance of all parties" with this agreement. In reality, this means that American and Egyptian troops help to protect Israel's shipping lanes through the Straits of Tiran, Saudi Arabia's occupied sovereign territory. What would the people of Saudi Arabia say if they knew?

المصدر :


عضو بلاتيني
هذي برقية من الوزارة الخارجية الاسرائيلية الى السفارة الامريكية في اسرائيل مصدرها الارشيف الوطني وادارة السجلات للولايات المتحدة الامريكية بخصوص ملفات جزيرة تيران السرية

والنص كالاتي :-

99998. State 97760, Dhahran 464.22. Neither printed. Tiran.
1. Ambassador requested deliver following personal message in written form from Secretary to FonMin Eban re Tiran problem:
“Dear Mr. Minister:
As you know, the continued presence of Israeli troops on the island of Tiran was one of the matters we discussed during the President's recent cordial discussions with Prime Minister Eshkol in Texas.33. See Documents 39–41.
We noted to the Prime Minister the desirability that Israel provide public indications of its willingness to reach understandings with the Arabs and suggested that withdrawal of your troops from Tiran would be one example of what we had in mind. The Prime Minister expressed understanding of this view but indicated that it would be difficult for your government to contemplate withdrawal from Tiran in the absence of assurances regarding the consequences of this act for Israel.
Encouraged by these exchanges, I subsequently instructed the US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia to explore this question further with King Faisal. Our Ambassador had a frank and detailed discussion of this subject with His Majesty on January 13. The King's comments made clear: (a) that he regards Tiran Island as part of Saudi territory, and that, for example, his government has granted a concession covering the island; and (b) that he has no plan to militarize Tiran or to use it to impede freedom of navigation into Tiran Strait.
I am greatly encouraged by His Majesty's position. On the basis of his assurances to our Ambassador, I believe that the problems the Israeli side foresaw if your government withdrew will not arise. Specifically, I would expect neither alienation of this portion of Saudi territory, its militarization nor its use in any way to interfere with freedom of navigation through the Straits of Tiran. I would therefore hope that your government would now consider that its troops can be withdrawn from the island without incurring adverse consequences for Israel.
As we have earlier indicated to your government, such action will remove a serious embarrassment in our own relations with the Saudi authorities. I therefore look forward to receiving a favorable response from your government. It will, of course, be immediately communicated to King Faisal and will, I am sure, have a useful and helpful impact.44. In a conversation with Battle on February 5, Ambassador Harman stated that Foreign Minister Eban was prepared to take up the issue of Tiran Island with the Israeli Cabinet but first needed a U.S. response to a number of “clarifications.” Harman asked if the United States could obtain Saudi Arabian acknowledgment that the Straits of Tiran was an international waterway. Israel also asked whether the United States could obtain from Saudi Arabia a “binding written undertaking” that Tiran Island would remain permanently uninhabited. Israel also asked whether the United States would underwrite any such Saudi undertakings by making them a matter of U.S. “responsibility and commitment” as regards Israel. Harman indicated that he was instructed to stress the need for “absolute precision” in these assurances. (Telegram 111432 to Tel Aviv, February 7; National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 32-6 TIRAN) Ambassador Eilts in Jidda assessed the Israeli response to Secretary Rusk's letter as “very disappointing,” and noted that Israel was proposing conditions that King Faisal could not accept. Eilts felt that the Israeli conditions raised the question of whether Israel had any intention of leaving Tiran unless forced out. (Telegram 2776 from Jidda, February 10; ibid.)
Sincerely yours, Dean Rusk”
2. Since much of good effect of forthcoming Israeli position on Tiran would be vitiated by public disclosure of King Faisal's attitude, we assume that FonMin will agree that this aspect should receive no publicity. For record, we will take a similar line with Saudis when conveying Israeli decision.
1 Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 32-6 TIRAN. Secret; Exdis. Drafted on January 16 in NEA/ARP by Brewer; cleared by Atherton, Battle, and in the White House by Saunders; and approved by Rusk. Repeated to Jidda.
2 Neither printed.
3 See Documents 3941.
4 In a conversation with Battle on February 5, Ambassador Harman stated that Foreign Minister Eban was prepared to take up the issue of Tiran Island with the Israeli Cabinet but first needed a U.S. response to a number of “clarifications.” Harman asked if the United States could obtain Saudi Arabian acknowledgment that the Straits of Tiran was an international waterway. Israel also asked whether the United States could obtain from Saudi Arabia a “binding written undertaking” that Tiran Island would remain permanently uninhabited. Israel also asked whether the United States would underwrite any such Saudi undertakings by making them a matter of U.S. “responsibility and commitment” as regards Israel. Harman indicated that he was instructed to stress the need for “absolute precision” in these assurances. (Telegram 111432 to Tel Aviv, February 7; National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 32-6 TIRAN) Ambassador Eilts in Jidda assessed the Israeli response to Secretary Rusk's letter as “very disappointing,” and noted that Israel was proposing conditions that King Faisal could not accept. Eilts felt that the Israeli conditions raised the question of whether Israel had any intention of leaving Tiran unless forced out. (Telegram 2776 from Jidda, February 10; ibid.)

المصدر : الارشيف الوطني لادارة السجلات للولايات المتحدة الامريكية
الرابط : http://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1964-68v20/d47

اتمنى من احد الاخوان يقدر يترجمها ترجمه كامله لتعم الفائده
وفي من خلالها ذكر طلب اسرائيل من امريكا ان تطلب من السعودية عدم تأهيل الجزيره بالسكان او عدم استغلالها او الضر بالمصالح الاسرائيليه


عضو بلاتيني
وزارة الخارجية الاسرائيليه ذكرت مستند عن حرية الملاحة وذكرت جزيرة تيران وذكرت ان المملكة العربية السعوديت قامت بتأجير الجزر الى مصر لفرض حصار على اسرائيل مع تفاصيل

وهذا ما تم ذكره نقلا من موقع وزارة الخارجية للكيان الصهيوني



Freedom of navigation has for centuries been considered as one of the basic and inalienable rights, and its maintenance in times of peace as well as, with well-defined limitations, in times of war, is one of the generally acknowledged principles of international law. There is, therefore, hardly anything as revealing of the unlawful character of Egypt's conduct as its consistent and unremitting denial of that basic right to Israel, hardly anything as repugnant and fraught with disaster. to peace in the Middle East and to Egypt itself.
In May 1948, in parallel with the invasion of Palestine by Egyptian forces, the Egyptian Government established a blockade against Israel-bound shipping through the Suez Canal. This was not abolished even after the conclusion of the armistice agreement in February 1949, in spite of the authoritative statement by the Acting Mediator that any "vestiges of the wartime blockade ... are inconsistent with both the letter and the spirit of the armistice agreements." (See Section III, Document 8). On the contrary, on 6 February 1950, Egypt promulgated a Royal Decree formalizing the blockade (Document 1). Israel sought redress first from the Mixed Armistice Commission, which several times denounced the lawlessness of the Egyptian practice, and, in 1951, appealed to the Security Council (Document 3). After exhaustive debate, the Council, on 1 September 1951, decided that Egypt's assertion of rights of belligerency was contrary, to the. Armistice regime and called on it to terminate the restrictions (Document 5).
Egypt did not heed the unequivocal verdict of the Council and even tightened the blockade, but Israel no longer had effective recourse to the Council because, from 1954 on, the Soviet Union used its right of veto to prevent the adoption of any further decision in Israel's favour (Documents 6, 7, 8).
Israel's demand that the blockade in the Suez Canal be lifted is fully expounded in Ambassador Eban's statement to the Security Council of 13 October 1956 (Document 12).
Potentially even graver was the blockade imposed by Egypt on Israeli and Israel bound shipping in the Gulf of Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba) through the Straits of Tiran. In 1949, Egypt established itself on two small and deserted islands in the straits that had never belonged to it - Tiran and Sanafir. Later, they were leased to it by Saudi Arabia. In January 1950, Egypt assured the United States Government that the occupation of the islands was in no way intended to interfere with shipping in the waters of the gulf (Document 2). But soon Egypt broke its word, fortified the entrance to the straits and blockaded Israel. Having failed to conquer the southern Negev during the War of Independence or to bring about its cession by Israel through political pressure, Egypt now tried to land-lock Eilat and block Israel's outlet to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, which meant cutting Israel's present and future communications with Asia and East Africa. The closure of the Straits of Tiran was one of the main factors that led to the Sinai campaign of 1956. Israel's refusal to withdraw its forces from Sharm el Sheikh unless its freedom of passage through the straits were effectively safeguarded led to the stationing there of the UN Emergency Force (see Section IX). The blockade was lifted and Israel could freely develop its trade with countries in Asia and East Africa, import oil from the Persian Gulf, and redeem the southern Negev from its desolation. Israel declared solemnly that any interference with its rights of navigation in the gulf would be regarded as an attack, entitling it to exercise its inherent rights of self-defence. This was clearly stated by Foreign Minister Golda Meir in the General Assembly on 1 March 1957 (Section IX, Document 26), and by Prime Minister BenGurion in the Knesset on 5 March 1957 (Section IX, Document 29).
The Suez Canal, having been blocked in the Suez War, was cleared for shipping in the spring of 1957. Egypt, while still blocking Israel shipping through the Canal, to some degree relaxed its interference with shipping bound to and from Israel. But, in 1959, the blockade stiffened again. The Secretary-General of the UN tried to reach an understanding whereby, under certain "face-saving" conditions, Egypt would not obstruct Israel-bound shipping, but, put to the test, Egypt again reneged on its undertaking. (Documents 14, 15.)
On 23 May 1967, President Nasser re-imposed the naval blockade in the Straits of Tiran in a deliberate attempt to force Israel to forfeit its internationally-acknowledged rights or else go to war. Five days earlier the UN Emergency Force was expelled by Nasser, and the units stationed at Sharm el-Sheikh were evacuated. He hoped that an armed clash with Israel was inevitable. It was a calculated step to bring destruction upon Israel. It brought shattering defeat upon Egypt. (See Section XI.)
The Israeli army reached Sharm el-Sheikh on 7 June 1967 and lifted the blockade. From 1967, freedom of navigation prevails in the Gulf of Aqaba, benefitting shipping bound for Israel and Jordan. The Suez Canal, which was blocked by Egypt during the Six-Day War, remained closed. (See Section XII.)
In the course of the Yom Kippur War, October 1973, Egypt exercised an undeclared but effective naval blockade of the Straits of Babel-Mandeb. (See Section XIII.)

المصدر وزارة الخارجية للكيان الصهيوني
الرابط التالي


عضو فعال
قريت من مدة طويلة عن هالجزيرتين

يقال انا بها قواعد وانظمة بحريه متطورة عليها .

وشللي يمنعهم .....

لكن صمت الاعلام العربي كعادتة



عضو بلاتيني
ايضا ذكر موقع الامن العالمي ان الجزر تابعه رسميا للملكة العربية السعودية ولكن تم السماح لمصر لاستخدامها بسبب اسباب عسكرية صارمه منعت دخول العسكر الى هذه الجزر

فهل يعني ان السعودية رضخت للضغوطات الاسرائيليه وتنازلت عن جزرها وخاصه انها تقع في موقع استراتيجي هام وكان من الممكن ان تسيطر عليه القوات السعوديه ؟!

وهذا المذكور حرفيا من Global Security

Tiran Island

At the Strait of Tiran, the Gulf of Aqaba narrows, and then forms a narrow mouth between the Sinai Peninsula and Tiran Island, opening up into the main body of the Red Sea. At the center is Tiran Island and a little to the east is the smaller island Sanafir. Both of the islands officially belong to Saudi Arabia but are being used by Egypt. Because of strict military regulations, it's not possible to enter the islands.
The Multinational Force and Observers [MFO] has soldiers stationed at observation points to ensure both parties abide the treaty. The force and observers, totaling 1,900, are under the command of a Norwegian military officer. The military personnel are on loan from 11 nations.
Observation Post 3-11 is located on Tiran Island, five miles off Sinai's coast in the Gulf of Aqaba. OP 3-11 is manned by U.S. troops who monitor Israeli and Egyptian naval and maritime activities in the strategically vital area where the Gulf meets the Red Sea. Tiran Island now belongs to Saudi Arabia and is leased by Egypt so that the observation post can be operated there. The actual OP is located on the island's western edge, more than 800 feet tip a cliff wall overlooking heavily mined beaches. The island is accessible from the water in a few locations, but the OP's location and the treacherous slopes leading up to it make resupply by any combination of sea and ground transport almost impossible. The OP 3-11 troops therefore rely on the slingload missions flown on Thursday and Sunday mornings by UH-1's of the South Camp Aviation Platoon for their transportation to and from work, as well as for food, water, mail, fuel and just about everything else.
Observation Point 3-11 is about as big as Paradise Shoppette. It contains everything a Soldier needs, plus a few luxuries -- hot showers, full service kitchen and a day room. While on watch, Soldiers worked in three-man teams. The teams consisted of one noncommissioned officer, and two junior enlisted Soldiers. They rotated between three different shifts, pulling the same shift for two days, then rotating to another shift for two days. Once the Soldiers completed the third shift, they had a day off from guard watch.

الرابط و المصدر


عضو فعال
الموضوع ذات أهمية بالفعل الموضوع اثار في اكثر من وسيلة إعلامية ولكن بدون توسع وهناك تكتم متعمد على الموضوع

وحسب الطلاع على الوثائق الجنبية بالفعل بانها جزر سعودية


عضو ذهبي
الجزر تحت السادة المصريه منذ العدوان الثلاثي عام 1957 وحولتها لجزر سياحيه يوجد بها الكثير من المنتجعات ارتحت الحين هو ذا اللي طلعت به هههههههههههاي ترا الف مره ينطرح الموضوع هذا بس الغريب ان المشرفين مايقفلونه مع انه مكرر
د. دليل العيسى جامعه الملك عبدالعزيز

تقع جزيرة تيران وصنافير شمال البحر الأحمر وعند مدخل خليج العقبة ، تبعد تيران عن شرم الشيخ حوال 4 أميال ، وإلى الشرق منها

وعلى بعد 2 ميل توجد جزيرة صنافير .. وتعد من الجزر السعودية الهامة استراتيجيا من حيث:

1- وقوعها عند مدخل خليج العقبة يجعل هذا الخليج شبه مغلق جغرافيا .

2- يبلغ عرض المجرى الصالح للملاحة ميل واحد وهو اقرب لساحل سيناء .

3- موقعها الإستراتيجي يجعلها تتحكم بالملاحة الدولية في خليج العقبة .

ظهرت أهمية هذه الجزر السعودية عام 1949 حينما طلبت الحكومة المصرية من المملكة السعودية الاستعانة بهاتين الجزيرتين أثناء حربها مع إسرائيل

- 1951 حاولت مصر منع السفن الإسرائيلية من المرور بمياه خليج العقبة وذلك باستخدام القوة وسيطرت على الملاحة ولعل التأييد لمصر في هذا الموقف جاء بناءً على أن خليج العقبة خليج عربي مارست الدول العربية سيادتها عليه منذ القدم ، وتأييد المملكة السعودية ذلك لأن خليج العقبة هو عبارة عن خليج عربي داخلي تسيطر عليه البلاد العربية سيطرة كاملة لضمان سلامة الحجيج فيه

- 1956 بعد هزيمة مصر نتيجة العدوان الثلاثي عليها من جانب إنجلترا وفرنسا وإسرائيل تم فتح خليج العقبة أمام السفن الإسرائيلية ووجود قوات الطوارئ الدولية شرم الشيخ .

- 1967 بعد الهزيمة العسكرية لمصر من إسرائيل في حرب الأيام الستة تم بقاء خليج العقبة مفتوح أمام السفن الإسرائيلية .

- 1978 انتهت المشكلة بين إسرائيل ومصر بإتفاقية كامب ديفيد التي نصت على :

1- حرية مرور السفن الإسرائيلية في قناة السويس ، واعتبار مضيق تيران وخليج العقبة ممر دولي .

2- تتمركز قوات الأمم المتحدة في شرم الشيخ بضمان حرية المرور في مضيق تيران .


وبعد هذا العرض الموجز لأهمية جزيرة تيران وصنافير وتطور الأحداث السياسية فيها يبرز سؤال منطقي تيران وصنافير أين ؟

- هل أصبحت ضمن الأراضي المصرية حسب اتفاقية كامب ديفيد ؟

- هل عادت كجزر سعودية لها أهميتها الإستراتيجية في خليج العقبة ؟

- هل لازالت تسيطر عليها إسرائيل بعد هزيمة مصر عام 1967؟

أستاذ مساعد/ كلية التربية جامعه الملك عبدالعزيز



عضو بلاتيني
اعرف ان الرافضي لن يجاوب وسوف يدلس وينتقي اخبار من الخمسينات الاشكالية على الجزر كان بسبب استيراد اسرائيل النفط من ايران بعد سقوط الشاه لم تعد لها اهمية بالنسبه للاسرائيل الان عليها فصيل مراقبه من قبل البحرية المصرية

ابن الهازمي

عضو بلاتيني
قسم بالله إنكم غثيتونا بهذا الموضوع دائم يكرر ونا اجزم إنهم عارفين إنها تابعة لمصر وهي محميات وأكثر ما أقراء عن هذا الموضوع في مواقع أبو لطمية

هذا موقع رسمي مصري وهو وزارة الدولة لشئون البيئة


عن المحميات الطبيعية

1 - محمية رأس محمد وجزيرتا تيران وصنافير بمحافظة جنوب سيناءتاريخ الاعلان : 1983
مساحتها : 850كم2
نوعها : محمية تراث عالمى
المسافة من القاهرة : 446كم

تقع هذه المحمية عند التقاء خليج السويس وخليج العقبة، وتمثل الحافة الشرقية لمحمية رأس محمد حائطاً صخرياً مع مياه الخليج الذى توجد به الشعاب المرجانية ، كما توجد قناة المانجروف التى تفصل بين شبه جزيرة رأس محمد وجزيرة البعيرة بطول حوالى 250 م. وتتميز منطقة رأس محمد بالشواطئ المرجانية الموجودة فى أعماق المحيط المائى لرأس محمد والأسماك الملونة والسلاحف البحرية المهددة بالانقراض والأحياء المائية النادرة، وتحيط الشعاب المرجانية برأس محمد من كافه جوانبها البحرية كما تشكل تكوينا فريدا حيث أن هذا التكوين له الأثر الكبير فى تشكيل الحياة الطبيعية بالمنطقة كما تشكل الانهيارات الأرضية " الزلازل " تكوين الكهوف المائية أسفل الجزيرة كما أن المحمية موطن للعديد من الطيور والحيوانات الهامة مثل: الوعل النوبى بالمناطق الجبلية وأنواع الثدييات الصغيرة والزواحف والحشرات والتى لا تظهر إلا بالليل ،كما أن المحمية موطن للعديد من الطيور الهامة مثل البلشونات والنوارس .
جزيرة تيران
تبعد حوالى 6كم من ساحل سيناء الشرقى وهى من الجزر والشعاب المرجانية العائمة وتتكون من صخور القاعدة الجرانيتية القديمة وتختفى تحت أغطية صخور رسوبية وتنحصر مصادر الماء فى الجزيرة من مياه الأمطار والسيول الشتوية التى تتجمع فى الحفر الصخرية التى كونتها مياه الأمطار والسيول الشتوية بإذابتها للصخور
جزيرة صنافير
توجد غرب جزيرة تيران وعلى بعد حوالى 2.5 كم منها يوجد بها خليج جنوبى مفتوح يصلح كملجأ للسفن عند الطوارئ .


وهذي الجزيرتين في مخطط الجسر المقترح بين السعودية ومصر سيمر منها
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.